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How to Design a Good Campaign Poster

Election season is already here. If you are an aspiring candidate, it means getting ready to share your manifesto with voters in hopes of getting elected.

Sharing your manifesto calls for high-quality campaign materials, and you will need t-shirts, flyers, leaflets, hats, masks, and most importantly, posters.

Posters do the work for you when you are out of town. With enough signs in various locations, voters will always have access to your manifesto.

Additionally, posters speak for you in places you are yet to visit for a campaign rally. With good design and high-quality printing, voters will remember your name.

Design Tips for a Good Campaign Poster

Now that you know the importance of a good campaign poster, you need to ensure that you have the best design ready to print.

Luckily, we offer tips to guide you into getting a well-made poster for your campaign. Just follow these simple tips.

  1. Use A Legible Font

Frist thing you need to be wary of is your poster’s font. It is easy to get attracted to the bold and artistic fonts for your sign.

However, the primary goal is legibility, not artistic effect. The words on your poster have to be easy to read.

You will be able to communicate to the public effectively with a legible font. Therefore, go for something that everyone can read.

Additionally, do not use too many fonts in one poster. Too many fonts make the poster look untidy and hard to follow.

Go for one or two at maximum to make the poster look more presentable and professional. 

  1. Use High-Quality Images

While we are still on visuals, you must pay attention to the quality of images you use on your poster.

We advise first getting professional images from a good photographer to use in the posters. Ensure that your outfit is something people are used to seeing you in.

Then, select the best images. Your expression should be friendly and welcoming. When designing the poster, ensure that the picture does not come out pixelated.

Clarity makes it easy for voters to identify you come Election Day. Use the same image throughout your posters to achieve uniformity. 

Ensure that this is the image you submit for the allot printing to guarantee better chances of recognition by voters. 

  1. Snippets Of Manifesto

Next, consider the text you are going to include in your poster. You should have your name, what post you are running for, and your manifesto.

Your name and desired seat should be clear and easy to see. Additionally, if you have a catchy slogan, you can make it a significant part of your poster.

As for the manifesto, we advise using snippets. Use short, clear, and informative texts to describe your mission.

The best posters use point-form to highlight the manifesto. This makes it easy to read and remember.

Do not use lengthy sentences as they go unread. Additionally, they make the poster look cluttered.

  1. Invest In A QR Code

The world has embraced digital technology, and so should you. If you want to say a lot on your poster, we urge you to go for a QR code instead of bombarding the poster with information.

The QR code is scannable and will take the user to a website, page, or document that will show your detailed manifesto and plans after the election.

With a single addition to your poster, you will give the general population access to more information about you and your campaign.

The majority of the population has smartphones that can scan QR codes. Therefore, you will reach a large number of people. 

  1. Balance The Elements

And finally, ensure that you balance the elements of your poster design. Balancing the elements means ensuring that the text, animations, pictures, and other details are arranged well.

It is visually appealing and ensures that the reader does not lose focus or tire from looking at the poster.

Ensure that your designer achieves symmetry or stylish asymmetry.

Also, check that there is a good image ratio to text to retain an eye-catching appearance.


With this last step, you are ready to mass-print the posters and spread them all over the places you would like to campaign.

Do not forget to include your political party logo to make it easier for voters to identify you. You can also indicate if you are an independent candidate.

Additionally, when it comes to printing, select a company with prior experience for the best results.

Always go for a test poster first, and see how it come out. From here, you can make adjustments based on the results to ensure that your poster comes out the way you want it to.

Remember that you can always come to us for the best campaign poster printing services in Nairobi. We are affordable and open to bulk orders, and we promise to deliver on time!

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