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7 Factors to Consider When Branding Your Office

Your office should speak multitudes about your business. Come to think of it; your office says a lot about your business. Like a website, it gives an impression of what working with you would be like. Consider what your office says about you.

An office is a place of business. Everyone who strolls in is a potential customer or partner and should be motivated to work with you. Therefore, your office should spark interest, ooze calmness, and inspire partnership to anyone who walks in.


Office Branding

One of the best ways to get this is by branding. While most people believe that branding will have no impact on your office, it is essential to ensure that it represents your business as best as possible.

A branded office will do great things for your office. It shows anyone who visits your office that you have a sense of pride in what you do. It displays undeniable confidence in your brand and ensures that you look professional.

Branding your office is more than just placing a sign at the front door. It is how the employees dress and conduct themselves, the office’s design, the colors, the image, and much more.

Moreover, like everything else in business, branding, and office have its rules. While one approach is suited for an office, it may not have the same effect on another. Therefore, you need to make the following seven considerations of branding your office.

1. Size

Your office size is an essential factor to consider. Smaller offices need to maintain a sense of being bigger. The large logo at your front entrance will be too much for a small office. Look for minimalist ways to incorporate the logo. Also, painting your office the same colors as your logo is a great idea. Large offices, on the other hand, need to feel homier and not too disconnected. You can put up a few banners to fill up space. You can also get a large logo sign for the office.

2. Location

Some office locations do not allow customization. You won’t be able to paint on a sign or alter the appearance of the office. When this happens, look for creative ways to brand the office. For starters, ensure that you have customized desk calendars or pens on every desk. Consider branded clothing for your employees as well.

3. Your Competitors

One great way to ensure that you are doing branding right is by looking at others in the industry. When people in the same industry go for the same office design, it has the desired effect. Compare your office with those of competitors and determine what you are doing right in terms of branding. It also gives you insight on what you can improve on.

4. Your Business

The office branding strategy for a party supply company cannot work for a law firm. You need to determine what business you are in and determine the best branding strategies for the office. Some offices need to look fun and playful, while others require an air of professionalism and monotony.

5. Your Consumers

Your consumers make up a considerable part of what your office space should look like. After all, you are branding for them and those who will follow suit. Consider what your consumers like about you and your products. Now try to incorporate those elements into the office. Do they like your service? Then ensure that your employees are dressed well and offer the same polite and swift service. Do they like your products? Have a few samples in the lobby or waiting area.

6. Budget

When you set a budget, strive to stick by it. Branding is an investment, and it can be quite costly.

However, this does not mean that you should skip out. Office branding is essential to set aside some money to help your office look well. Invest in small office branding tactics such as company colors and customized pens.

7. Light Sources

Finally, as you are branding, ensure that you do not cover up any light sources. Lighting will save you a lot of capital on electricity bills. You may be tempted to put up a banner that will cover a window or door but opt for other choices; consumers appreciate natural light as much as they appreciate your products and services.

You may take a look at our office branding Materials.

  1. Vinyl Stickers
  2. Reflective Honeycomb Stickers
  3. Roll-up Banners
  4. Custom Flags
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